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The Charmettes, Incorporated is comprised of talented, concerned and giving women who volunteer their skills and resources to make a difference especially in African American communities. Our members are stakeholders and provide service through mentoring, leading, teaching, and participating. We are proud to know that our members work in every profession and arena - health care, education, real estate, government, law, music and arts, media and research on all levels.
Our mission and our guiding principles undergird our work. We value our relationships with each other in our siterhood, and with others we interact with in the world. We are committed to mutual respect and valuing our past as well as moving forward toward our future. We believe that our word is important and we seek to be accountable in our work and service. We know that sometimes to make a diference we must be prepared to be the "first" as we work to make sure that others can follow.
We know that our young people are our most important resource and we will keep their growth and development always in our minds.